
Irena Melcer: I always had a plan B

She played in 3 important, extremely moving films, spread between social commentary cinema and blockbuster.  Irena Melcer – girl, who like to do everything on

Women play all their life

We spoke with Agnieszka Więdłocha about the power of women, her role in sweet “Receptura” and childhood tastes. Anywhere: Not everyone had the pleasure to

Porsche for Everyone

Karolina Łukaszewska-Kempa, Marketing Manager at Porsche Centre Sopot, on the Universality of the Italian Legend Hello, Karolina, it’s a pleasure to have you here, in

Przemysław Bluszcz

Przemek Bluszcz, Poland. Poland.  A theatre, film, and radio actor. Is there such a thing as a ‘radio actor’? There is. A radio actor is

Migawka – Life in a flash

That meeting was definitely too short. It left me unsatisfied. Well, in journalism, it is still better than satiety. Yes, but… From the perspective of

Michał Bajor ‘Kolor Cafe’

On his latest album, the artist goes back to his Italian and French music fascinations. He successfully draws from the greatest hits ofpopular musicians such

Filip Cembala: The Complete Actor

I do not know anyone who could resist his charm. Filip Cembala. Unparalleled charisma, a rich personality, and versatile talent. An actor who can capture

Voice of an Angel

The music of The Earsis penetrating. It vibrates, touches your soul, and provokes deep reflection. It will not leave you indifferent. One of its distinctive